Take a look at some of the work we have been up to recently! This page is updated most weeks.
Dragons DenDragons DenDragons DenDragons DenThe Chase ADYP style2 Guests from the Local Secondary School During Their ‘Make A Difference’ Week Damascus DerbyLeo and Hyde Doing VR Art in Milton2 Hour Step Counter from Drayton Football CampMental Health Packs Kindly Gifted to us by Louise and Kaycee from McDonald’sJoint Charity Fundraising Quiz NightA Visit from Oxfordshire Youth While Looking at the Planet Fundraising Event in Abingdon Town CentreTake a Spin!Jake delivering a Sexual Health and Relationship workshop!Busy, Busy, Busy!Basketball Coaching Session with Olly!Youth Ambassador putting in some research hours!Youth Ambassador delivering a sports session.Partnership work with Aquarius!James and one of the SA groupsOur final message to our beloved Aidan (dissolvable plastic)River Safety Chat in SA More River Safety in SCCycling Safety Workshop under the Gazebo!whole school assemblies via Zoom!Another Goal Achieved! A fine specimen whilst out for a 121!Fun team ChallengesFun team ChallengesGiants, Wizard and Elves!Youth Ambassador Loren with an activity around Gender!Pride Month Controversial Statements with Loren Sutton Courtenay Skate Comp – sponsored by ATB Skate WarehouseSkate comp was flipping brilliant!Sgt Massie building those important community relationshipsThats a 6!Mobile Alcohol WorkshopMental health first aid training for staff!Door Step Bingo Four Generations in one photo!Love a good Street Work sesh!Even in the depths of winter the gazebo is out there!Socially Distant Bootcamp!YP Helping at Stonehill Community Garden!Gainsborough Green GazeboMathew Barber & Rory Freeman at our Gazebo SessionsAny excuse for the team to go to the fair!BHM WorkshopToo windy for a gazebo, somehow still dry enough for our group (I’m still drying out)Art Exhibitions!YA talking to councillors!Two Little Ducks!YA delivering their workshopSurvival day!Ghost busters!!