South Abingdon

What’s on?

In Abingdon we don’t have access to a building – we utilize our trusty gazebo to create a space, usually on Gainsborough Green, to hold an outside drop-in session. Being in the heart of the community offers us a unique chance to develop deep and meaningful discussions through activities and workshops – that’s right we make our workshops mobile!
Our sessions here cover all the topics that are important to young people from supporting rights for LGBTQ+ communities through to substance abuse and the environment. 
The Caldecotte Ward in which we predominantly work within sits in the top 10% of most deprived areas of the UK because of this, we have increased our work in the area to try and reach the most disengaged young people more often. 
Tuesday’s 6:30- 7:30pm

“You was my first thought to message as he thinks a lot of you and I know he would open up to you. He see’s you as his role model.” Laura, Parent